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CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO: “Winter Walking”
A long winter grips the land. Sequential snows layer the land, of the sort missing-in-action for years in our neck of western West Virginia where WestVirginiaVille is headquartered. Then, in recent days, sequential ice storms encase every living and inanimate thing outdoors in a sheath of glittery silver. Add in cabin-fever weariness from a nearly years-long COVID quarantine—and you can be forgiven if it seems like we are living through “a winter that never dies.”

WestVirginiaVille chief videographer Bobby Lee Messer transmuted those feelings into a one-man tour de force—shooting the video seen above, then sequestering himself in his basement studio to record multi-instruments and sing his original tune, “Winter Walking.”
“Winter Walking” | Lyrics & Music by Bobby Lee Messer

Walkin’ in the middle of the night
Cold to the bone….and I’m feelin’ it
Weeks-old ice on the branches of the trees
In a winter …that never dies
In a winter …that never dies
I don’t know…. it’s really hard to tell
The daytime from the night
The clouds stand still….never open up
Never let through…the….healing light
The air don’t move and the birds don’t sing
And the sun never warms our eyes
And it all moves so slow… in this place we live
With a winter…that never dies
With a winter…that never dies
So reach out your hand to me
And together we’ll … melt this ice
We’ll hunker down …
and plan an escape
From a winter …that never dies
From a winter …that never dies.

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