How West Virginia got stuck in "The Coal Trap" — and missed out for ten years on the clean energy revolution — is a story worth a book. How the state might get out of the trap” A Q-and-A with the author of that book.
‘HEY JOE’: Harmonically urging Joe to take climate action
In late 2021, a harmonic convergence of West Virginians came together on the statewide music video "Hey Joe," urging Joe Manchin to take decisive action on the climate crisis.
CLIMATE/CRISIS: Taking the measure of climate change in three short videos
In three short videos, take the measure of climate change. The climate crisis deepens every day, yet more and more people planet-wide awaken daily to the reality of what must be done to turn down the fever threatening the planet.
VIDEOS: The Pillars of the WV Climate Alliance
The West Virginia Climate Alliance is a coalition of nearly 20 West Virginia-based environmental organizations, faith-based, civil rights and civic groups with a focus on climate change. This short video describes the three pillars that drive Climate Alliance efforts to address "the most important and essential work of these times."