“The New Body”
From inside this chrysalis we will emerge skins, burnished almond brown soaking soft green light into our pores.
“Afro-surreal Generation”
Today, The energy went to building Tupac and Biggie Smalls Pez dispensers, Sun Ra and Henry Dumas facing each other on a palette of twilight, Derby hats, burkas and masks. And remember its thronged seduction. The pressing of face and corpuscular beat. The rush to connect to those eyes, that coat, those sandals, tattooed knuckles. Wonder how much done for love How much done for lack of.
Her father was her husband. He’d call before he’d visit. ‘cause I’m a black boy kissing her pink face, flushed. I’d hide in the attic in my boxers. I had no idea what damage I was doing to myself. His furrowed voice Sherlockin’, the smell of our sex wafting up, as walls filled with muffled new moans reverberated inconclusive evidence. I did not know who was getting screwed or why. He’d leave and she and her mother and me would laugh at the cuckold daddy. Once a week, for years, I’d fall in love with revenge. Skewered on the picket fence.
Awakened brother catatonic deified expletive flayed gargoyle heathen icon jack-of-all-trades jaded jalouse jargon jejune jewelry jiggle joker jockey jouissance journeyman juvenile joyride jubilee juke jump juncture juxtapose karmakennel lefthandedleitmotif machismomania nabobnarcosis obtuse patina quirky razor satyr tightlipped usher village wand Xenophobe Y Zerosumgame
D. Scot Miller was raised in Dunbar, WV, and began his 30-year journalism career as a columnist for the Charleston Gazette. He is Managing Editor of The East Bay Express, former Associate Editor of Oakland Magazine and Alameda Magazine, Columnist-In-Residence at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s Open Space, Advisory Board Member of Nocturnes Journal of Literary Arts, and regular contributor to several newspapers, websites and magazines. He is the founder of The Afrosurreal Arts Movement through his publication of The Afrosurreal Manifesto in The San Francisco Bay Guardian in 2009.
LINKTREE: linktr.ee/Afrosurreal
SFMoMA SITE: openspace.sfmoma.org/author/dscotmiller/

5 QUESTIONS: From West Virginia to the San Francisco Bay and beyond: September 1, 2022: D. Scot Miller was a bright student from Dunbar, West Virginia, considered transgressive in class as he had a vision of how things might be better. What happened next bounced him to the other side of the country and a lively career as a writer, poet, thinker, and creator of The Afrosurreal Manifesto.