EDITOR’S NOTE: I’m a big fan of the art and aesthetic sensibilities of Sharon Lynn Stackpole, whose latest work I’m always glad to see on Twitter. Sharon is a clinical mental health counseling graduate student at Marshall University, a disability advocate, artist, and writer. See more of her work at sharonlyn.com and here.| ‘Illustrations’ is an occasional series on the art of notable illustration and graphic work by artists with a West Virginia connection.
I was a very quiet, introverted child. I drew and wrote because I was more comfortable with those forms of communication instead of using my voice. I had been precocious, an early talker, and even invented my own language and an imaginary friend to whom I spoke incessantly – but my parents found that unnerving and this was strongly, adamantly discouraged. I became very quiet as a result and channeled my energies into pen and paper instead. Drawing always seemed to be a medium in which there were no communication barriers. I could also use my imagination on paper with no reprimand. Art was a wonderful friend in childhood.


5 THINGS | 1 Bridge, 1 Motorcycle, 1 Queen, 1 Mask & 1 Batman: Here are 5 images from the life, times and artistry of WestVirginiaVille, by staff and contributors. Including a drive-by Batman, a misty West Virginia icon and more.

5 THINGS | 1 Root Beer; 1 Comet; 1 Peach Porn; 1 Kitty; 1 Nixon: In a new installment of ‘5 Things,’ we eyeball the return of revolving root beer; the New River Gorge Bridge posing with a comet; some fresh produce peach porn; a kombucha-kitty watercolor; and where you can find Richard Nixon in West Virginia.