There were balloons and streamers. There were rainbow flags. And lots of honks. A video/photographic portrait of a literally moving Pride and Black Lives Matter parade in Huntington WV on june6.2020
STEPHEN SMITH | Part 1: On His Long-Distance, Grass-roots Run for Governor
As part of a new WestVirginiaVille series called, "Conversations," we sit down with 2020 West Virginia gubernatorial Democratic candidate Stephen Smith as he winds down a two-year, grass-roots campaign to upend the long reign of what his campaign dubs the "good old boy network" in state governance.
STEPHEN SMITH | Part 2: Why We Endorse Stephen Smith for WV Governor
Why WestVirginiaVille is holding up its small megaphone with a big message: West Virginia is in sore need of systemic change. And Stephen Smith and his campaign are the only ones who seems to have thought deeply about how to get that ball rolling.
VIDEO: ‘They Know Who the Thugs Are”
Within the police department itself, there are some thugs and gangsters, says Rev. Matthew Watts. "And the police have to police themselves. They know who the thugs are! They know who the gangsters are!"
VIDEO: A Saturday of Protests in Huntington WV
What it's like to be a black man in Trump's America. Why communal effort is needed. How racism is woven into "the American quilt." PART 2 of our coverage of a Huntington WV rally protesting the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers.
WATCH THIS: What Needs To Be Said About George Floyd’s Murder
We were looking for a quote at a Huntington, West Virginia rally in protest of the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis policemen. We got far more than a quote.
A video visit to Covid-19 testing in an African-American community
We need far more testing to size up Covid-19, and also why it disproportionally affects low-income and minority communities. Here's a video drop-in on a recent drive-up testing site in Huntington WV.
Bringing Covid-19 Testing Home to a Huntington WV Community
As America passes the shocking number of 100,000 people dead from Covid-19, free testing has been rolled out across West Virginia. Part of the aim last week was to get the measure of the impact of the virus on African-American communities in the state.