It is Dec. 4—28 days after the 2020 U.S. presidential election was called for Biden/Harris. Yet WV Sen. Shelley Moore Capito has yet to formally recognize Biden as President-Elect or repudiated Donald Trump's dangerous lies about election fraud lies.
ATTENTION, TEACHERS: And students at home—A chance to learn more about racism
Our documentary, “WHAT’S IN A NAME: A West Virginia Community Confronts a Confederate Legacy,” will screen 7 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 13, 2020 on WVPB. The documentary and resources we've gathered lay the groundwork for a better understanding and even more thoughtful discussion of the history of racism in America, and how institutional racism continues to affect our daily life.
PHOTO-ESSAY: Five WV Variations on the Art of Thankfulness
From horses on porches to possible sightings of Jerry Garcia in a rural marsh, here are five images from around West Virginia that spark our thankfulness. Happy Thanksgiving.
EDITORIAL: Counting Down the Days of “No Show” Capito’s Snub of Biden-Harris
You'd think by now WV Sen. Capito might look over her shoulder and recall what it feels like to have a backbone now that Trump is slowly evaporating into a disgruntled mist. Yet 15 days after the election was called for Biden-Harris, she has yet to formally congratulate them.
NATUREGRAM | 10 Variations on a West Virginia Ginkgo
It is an auspicious place, this former plantation and home to more than 50 slaves before West Virginia ever came to be. But on this Autumn Appalachian day, the ginkgo biloba trees recall a more illuminated present.
EDITORIAL | “Pills & Suits,” a Justice Project Video
In an illustrated excerpt from Pulitzer-winner Eric Eyre's "DEATH IN MUD LICK," he describes WV Attorney General's Patrick Morrisey's entanglement with one of the huge pharmaceutical companies that helped spawn the opioid crisis, and the devastation that continues to affect families.
EDITORIAL: The Art of the Trumpian Limerick
As Donald Trump's first term limps towards its end, we drop in on a Trumpian chronicler. West Virginia poet and writer Colleen Anderson has been chronicling Trump's misrule for four years now—in limericks.
EDITORIAL: “The West Virginia Hills” and the Race for WV Attorney General
On the one hand in this year's election contests in West Virginia, you've got state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and his Trump-Adoring, Big Pharma connections, and Affordable Care Act Torpedoing Ways. On the other hand, there's labor lawyer Sam Brown Petsonk. Here's are two minutes about that.
EDITORIAL | John Mandt Jr., Uncensored
In the debut of our multimedia editorial feature, The Justice Project, we take a musical walk-through of the chatroom comments that led WV delegate John Mandt Jr., to resign. He has since said he'd serve if elected on Nov. 3.
5 THINGS | 1 Painting; 1 Bridge; 1 Hospital; 1 Poster & 1 Sign
What do the New River Gorge Bridge, Cabell Huntington Hospital, a GOTV poster, Pepperoni Rolls, and one painting have in common?
MINI-DOC | “What’s In a Name?” The Deeper Story Behind a WV Confederate Legacy
The removal of a Confederate general's name from the former Stonewall Jackson Middle School in West Virginia's capital city this Summer was more than just a cosmetic change. In 2020, America confronted the wounds that have haunted the country’s existence. The renaming of the school laid bare that history.
“LAY THAT BURDEN DOWN”: A Musical Homage to John Lewis, Sung by Lady D
Check out the world premiere of the music video of the Ron Sowell/Jon Wikstrom song "Lay Down That Burden," sung by Lady D and inspired by the life, courage, and heart of John Lewis, whose example is ever more needed now in America.
VIDEO/POEM: A Brief Visit to “Magic Mountain” in West Virginia
What happened one night on Folklife Mountain in the West Virginia heartland. Some called it Magic Mountain.
VIDEO: “Say Their Names”
There are a lot of names of black people, killed by police officers on this list. Below are all the names on the list. Some famous, a few historic. All of them individuals who were loved, who had dreams. Who, like you and I—had issues and challenges, joys and loves. Trying to figure out life, in all its messiness and pain.
ORIGINALS | “THE BALLAD of KYLE T. MaGATT: About a Deplorable Fellow in a Little Red Hat”
"My emotional core for the entire cartoon is that no matter how frustrated, angry, and exhausted I am by the Kyle MaGatts (and Karens) of this country, I don't want them to die. Especially not because of a preventable virus. Not alone. For nothing."
CHARACTERS: A Portrait of the Artist in Her Garden
Sassa Wilkes paints every day. Now, she is painting in a different fashion, using the Earth as a palette. A portrait of a West Virginia artist growing things in a big way for the first time, thanks to Covid-19.
POEM | “Nous Celeron” by Douglas John Imbrogno
'Don’t you, Nous Céleron, wish to lay down your arms? Enter the Ohio’s cool darkness, or the Chinodahichetha! Sounding out each syllable as a Wyandotte might utter them ...
READINGS | Two by Kiley Lee
Twitter can be a whirlwind of woe. It can also be a place of discovery, of encountering creatives working in West Virginia whose work is worth checking out and lifting up. Here are two poems and two photographs by Kiley Lee, of Paden City WV.
A Reader | aug3.2020
If you have not yet subscribed to WestVirginiaVille's free e-mail newsletter, please do so at this link: Here is our most recent newsletter of aug3.2020.
5 THINGS | 1 Root Beer; 1 Comet; 1 Peach Porn; 1 Kitty; 1 Nixon
In a new installment of '5 Things,' we eyeball the return of revolving root beer; the New River Gorge Bridge posing with a comet; some fresh produce peach porn; a kombucha-kitty watercolor; and where you can find Richard Nixon in West Virginia.