• 5 Questions,  Q-and-A,  Stories

    MARIE MANILLA | Part 1: Driving By Her Own Headlights

    Huntington WV native Marie Manilla is an award-winning fiction and non-fiction author. In a "5 Questions" interview, she talks about the highs and lows of writing; the 'snotty literati,' who use labels to belittle writers; and the novel she scrapped after hearing pre-publication reactions by African American and transgender sensitivity readers.

  • Readings,  Stories

    HAPPY MOONSHINE DAY |Part 2: “The Plum”

    We call it The Plum. It’s the prettiest moonshine we make. The shine is made from my PawPaw’s PawPaw’s recipe in a copper still just like it was a hundred years ago. In each jar, we put 13 sweet plums from the trees my great-aunt planted after the ’37 flood...

  • About

    WESTVIRGINIAVILLE.com is an independent, opinionated multimedia magazine on life, culture & news related to West Virginia, launched in May 2020. We both create and commission our own stories, essays, photo-essays, multimedia features, short videos and short documentaries. We also curate worthy work from other creative individuals, news and feature sources, and take suggestions, too. As the news business contracts and changes, feature and news-feature stories and original storytelling are often the first to go. This site is an attempt to fill that gap. Our focus includes stories, issues, images, videos and other engaging work with some connection to West Virginia. (You don’t have to live here for such work qualify, it…