I don't usually post obituaries in this occasional publication devoted to the life and times and the notable people in the villages of WestVirginiaville. But the lovely remembrance and acknowledgment below of Paul Flaherty's rich life, written by Rebecca Kimmons, pays homage to a notable person who for decades played key roles in the cultural, creative, and musical life in West Virginia's capital city.
THE LATITUDE of NOW: Looking for real things in unreal times
I should be writing about the dire state of the country since it appears our old America is lost, even as a cohesive resistance begins to coalesce and get its act together. Or maybe I should go touch grass. (Or snow, depending.) A soul just needs to depart Dodge and try to find real, touchable things to look at, ponder or admire before returning to the exhausting front-line fray.
Take a breather from political anxiety. And for those of us who dearly love this place called West Virginia — and for out-of-staters willing to be swayed from tired cliches — let's color outside the lines for a few minutes. Please consider the debut of 'West Virginia In Color,' a new, occasional series on people and places in the towns, hollers and hills of the Mountain State which feature a blast, a blaze, or notable burst of color.
BLACK-AND-WHITE REFLECTIONS: Where will it all end in the end of it all?
In times like these, especially in times like these, when words are just upchucked by annihilationists, institutional arsonists and a world-historic, nihilist-narcissist whose much-kissed ring gleams with saliva, only poetry makes sense. And a few well-chosen images, quotes, and quatrains.
A little bit of wonderful, courtesy of a John Ellison ‘Friendly Neighbor Show’ jam
It was some kind of wonderful happening as John Ellison, host of the long-running "The Friendly Neighbor Show" picked up a guitar to lead a harmonic convergence in a Huntington tattoo parlor one night recently.
Saying goodbye to Earl one last time
Earl Goodall, my neighbor, friend, and an amiable human being, passed on at age 93 on July 5, 2024. Earl was the subject of my 2021 16-minute documentary, "When Earl Went to War", about his Korean War service, while also portraying the man's sweet, down-home character. Here's a look back at the kind of guy who never gets lifted up into the spotlight. But he has stories and adventures worth telling.
PROSE-POEM: ‘Lost Girl Elegy’
He digs into his wallet. Hands over a $20 bill. God bless you, she says. But where's the god for lost girls in a squalling storm? She turns to go back into the Taco Bell. He shuts off his car. Gets out. Do you have a phone? No. She says. Anyone at all to call?
5 QUESTIONS: Susan Werner on going long, Texas tuneage, and the art of the song
For folks who know the upper echelons of songwriting, 'No Depression' magazine once awarded Susan Werner some high praise indeed: “When it comes to crafting a song, Ms. Werner’s only peers are Jimmy Webb and Paul Simon.” Study up on her songcraft in our '5 Questions' with her in advance of an April 6, 2024 show in Charleston. W.Va.
QUOTABLES: Luminous skies, mucky alleys & chiaroscuro evenings
Photographs from around the neighborhood, allied with some quotations worth quoting and notations that may or may not align, but it's all good.
A RECORD RUN: After a legendary half-century, Budget Tapes & Records to close shop
Budget Tapes & Record will close Sunday, March 3, 2024, in Kanawha City, W.Va., after a half-century in operation. Here are two personal takes on the role this long-running establishment played in the life and times of West Virginia as an alternative, hippified haven for generations of folks.
Saying Goodbye to Bill | In 3 Parts
Bill Hart, a dear traveling companion through this vale and holler of light and darkness, passed from this mysterious world on Friday evening, on Feb. 9, 2024. Here are some thoughts and images about a notable human being, artist, and world-class craftsman. And, to be sure, a genuinely offbeat, unconventional, and bohemian soul.
One night, out strolling in the cool, high air of Appalachia
Take a break from worrying about the fate of the Republic, beyond the locked gates of a forested park where the pine trees offer fine company and conversation and the view from on high poses some good questions.
Missing Horses and Killer Skillets
As Bill and I scan the hills for Major the Horse, he tells a cast-iron tale on why you should never cross a pissed-off, kitchen-armed hillbilly woman. | A reprint from TheHartoftheMatter
It’s a Black-and-White Thing
Here are some snapshots, hipshots and night shots, from wandering the highways, byways, and lifeways of the world through which my iPhone moves, in the small towns, small cities and hills of West Virginia.
‘HOUSE IN THE CLOUDS’ launches with a pretty classy shindig
I date dating myself using the word ‘shindig.' Yet the Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as: ‘A large, lively party, especially one celebrating something.” That well describes the buzzy premiere of “HOUSE IN THE CLOUDS: The Artistic Life of Robert Singleton” on Sept. 17, 2023, in West Virginia’s capital city of Charleston, W.Va.
A Report from the Crowdfunding Frontlines
Help support independent artistry, guerilla filmmaking, and soulful storytelling, as we wind down the crowdfunding campaign for "HOUSE IN THE CLOUDS: The Artistic Life of Robert Singleton"
THE INTERVIEW: Ann Magnuson on the art of “suRURALism” and coming to ground in West Virginia
You need several categories — performer, musician, actress, artist, etc. — to sum up the swath Ann Magnuson has cut through the cultural scene since leaving her hometown of Charleston WV. And there’s a reason she comes back so often.
BEST/SHOT: Lights, Losers, Lovers, Lillies & Leaves
A sampling of a 'Best/Shot,' photograph from the multiple spires of West Virginia's capital all seen at once, to Autumn leaves, lily pads, and some thoughtful graffiti.
POETRY/PERFORMED: Two Versions of “BOOM BOOM” by Crystal Good
Here are two versions of Crystal Good reading/performing her iconic poem "BOOM BOOM," which reflects on strip-mining mountains and women who strip off their clothes for money.
PICTURE/SHOW: A West Virginia Walkabout from Elkins to Lost River
If you could use a West Virginia roadtrip, here's a vicarious one, traversing from Elkins to Lost River. You'll cover lots of ground. From August Heritage Center jamming at Davis & Elkins College, to the soothing solitude of Kimsey Run Lake in Lost River.